A Milestone as defined by Google is “an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development”. It is that time of year when we are celebrating many milestones. I am excited to announce that I have achieved a major milestone – Completion of my M.B.A. WooHoo! After 23 months of an online program, I’m done.

I woke up the next day after my final project had been submitted and the first thought as It had been for almost 2 years – was “what is due?” I then realized the achievement that had been all consuming was complete. The question then became “what’s next?”
In the week since my milestone was achieved, I have celebrated and happily updated my LinkedIn profile. I also got down to the business of organizing myself to achieve some milestones I have set up for my business – kickoff my next virtual Mastermind, get a new training contract, publish an online course and acquire my first coaching client since achieving another milestone – becoming a Social + Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach®.

I name my current milestones because I need to know what I am working toward – that next “significant change”. What are you working toward? Have you named your milestones? Are you working “Smarter”, not just hard?
If you are feeling stuck, don’t have any milestones you are working towards, or just need to get clear on what you want – consider joining me to help get your quest toward that milestone started.