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Healthy Workplaces

are More Productive

& More Profitable!

Social + Emotional Intelligence

is what makes the difference:


Studies show that Social + Emotional Intelligence

is scientifically proven to*:


Boost Sales

(American Express, L’Oreal)

Increase Profits

(McDonnell Douglas, Ciba)

Reduce Turnover

(U.S. Air Force, Symantec)


Transform your organization’s culture

to one of lively creativity & collaboration.

The Social+Emotional Intelligence Profile® identifies your strengths in 26 different competencies which are divided into 4 quadrants.  


Social and emotional intelligence (S+EI or sometimes referred to as EI or EQ) encompasses many skill sets, including stress management, resilience, managing conflict productively, powerful influencing skills, catalyzing change, teamwork and collaboration, building trust and much more.

Download this PDF to
Learn more about the Quadrants & Competencies
SEI Four Quadrant Model.png

Social + Emotional Intelligence Training


American Express introduced SEI training to select groups. Those individuals who received the SEI training boosted their sales almost 20 percent over control groups who received no SEI training*.


We offer Lunch-N-Learns, Full-day, Two-day Training & Virtual Sessions covering 1 to 3 Competencies!


Fast, fun, interactive and tremendously effective!

SEI Training

Social + Emotional Intelligence  Coaching


You Get the Most Out of Your Training Dollar if you Support the New Learning with Coaching.


Some researchers believe that our success in work and life is driven far more by our emotional intelligence (EQ) than by our cognitive intelligence (IQ).  And the Beautiful Thing?  EQ Can Be Learned! This is primarily achieved through coaching.


The Certified Coach works with the individual to improve in the areas of opportunity identified through the Social+Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP)® or 360° SEIP®.



SEI Coaching
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Jenn Montague is a Certified Social+Emotional Intelligence Coach® by the Institute for Social+Emotional Intelligence®. 

You may Learn more about ISEI® Here. 

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*Social+Emotional Intelligence Training Claims & Results

The claims & results from Social+Emotional Intelligence studies and training have been provided by the Institute for Social+Emotional Intelligence (ISEI®) and are not guarantees of your individual or company results.





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Today is a Good Day to Intentionally Grow

It's YOUR Day, Make it a Masterpiece!



P.O. Box 8028

Evansville IN 47716


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