Solutions for Organizations
Customized Training
Do you have a special need or challenge you need to overcome within your organization? Let JennQuest help you solve the problem by standing in the gap.
We specialize in designing programs that will move you from poor results and employee turnover to having passionate leaders that are committed to growing and developing their teams, exceeding results, retaining top talent and preparing the next evolution of leaders.
Workshops & Lunch-N-Learns
Some of our best learning is when we are learning with others. Workshops & Lunch-N-Learns are special opportunities for your team members to grow together, share ideas, get energized and really kickstart their growth. These sessions allow your team to focus on a specific area and leave armed with an action plan to keep the momentum going. Learn More...
Sample Workshops & Lunch-N-Learns
Whether you want your team members to grow as a group or join a group, they need to grow with like-minded people. Masterminds provide the opportunity to spend 1-2 hours at regular intervals taking a deep dive. A Mastermind series can be 4 to 10 sessions based on the focus topic and resource materials. Masterminds are based on several best-selling books by John C. Maxwell.
The Master of Masterminds, Napoleon Hill defines them “as the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”
Masterminds based on the best-selling books by John C. Maxwell:
Developing the Leader Within You 2.0
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
Everyone Communicates Few Connect
Becoming a Person of Influence
Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn
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Executive Coaching
If you desire to provide a leader within your organization a one-to-one growth experience, coaching is the best option. Through coaching the leader will have a guide to help them identify their strengths and design an action plan to become more effective in specific areas of growth. Check-ins will help them stay the course. Assessments can be administered to identify opportunities for growth.